Management skills are essential for nonprofit organizations to be able to fulfill their role and manage both their social movement mission and healthy organizational functioning. This tool was created to help strengthen the capacities of nonprofits working towards a Civil Society, so that they gain the administrative skills to combine feasibility with movement progress.
The organization was commissioned for the project by the Executive Committee for the Citizen’s Venture Project of the Center for Public Resources Development, which had in turn been commissioned for a model project by a government-affiliated body. After repeated revisions and improvements, the tool is now in its Sixth Edition.
Nonprofit Organizations (may also be used by some social enterprises) Representatives involved in organizational management; those involved in decision-making (e.g. Managing Director, Director); People with an understanding of the organization’s overall management, or who are involved in its activities in the field (e.g. Secretary General, Field Manager)
Four-grade evaluation of 156 items and five fields by self-assessment together with some descriptions
October 31, 2013
Unclear because tool is available for free download on website
We are on a lookout to find good accountability practices in Asia-Pacific. If you feel that your organization provides a good example, use the following form to send us the information! If you have a question, please contact us.
Minkan NPO Shien Center Shorai wo Tenbo-suru-kai (aka CEO Meeting)
Public Resources Foundation
Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation (KCOC)
The People's Conference Aimed at Encouraging Excellent NPOs
Voluntary Action Network India (VANI)
Taiwan NPO Self-Regulation Alliance
Japan NPO Center (JNPOC)
Philippine Council for NGO Certification (PCNC)
Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC)
Corporation Committee for Cambodia (CCC)