NGO Governance and Professional Practice (GPP) Certification Scheme

NGO Governance & Professional Practice (GPP) is a tool that helps to ensure accountability and good governance in the NGO sector. It aims at promoting professionalism and good practice within NGOs operating in Cambodia.

CambodiaCorporation Committee for Cambodia (CCC)

CCC, a longest and largest membership organization in Cambodia, developed a code of conduct compiling principles for the CSOs’ governance of its members in 1995. After conducting research on existing self-regulation initiatives internationally and consultations nationally, CCC revised the code of conduct and created a certification scheme in 2004, and called it NGO Governance & Professional Practice (GPP). Since then, GPP has been revised three times, with the latest revision taking place in 2013, based on an online consultation and specific consultation with experts and civil society organizations including CCC members, certified organizations, applicant NGOs and provincial based organizations.

Year established


Participating organizations

208 applicant organizations, 69 certificated awarded and 2000 organizations participated in discussion and used the code. (As of the end of 2015)

Intended Users

Cambodian NGOs, foreign NGOs and international NGOs, and associations operating in Cambodia

List of sections/components of the tool/system

There are 6 sections including:

  • good governance
  • communication and relationship
  • sound financial management
  • accountability & transparency
  • quality assurance
  • human resource management
URL (English)
Is it intended to serve as a “code of conduct/ethics”?


It is intended to serve as a “code of conduct/ethics” and to be a self-regulation mechanism.

Is it intended to be a self-regulation mechanism?


Is this a certification/accreditation system?


If yes, what is the benefit of certification/accreditation?

Symbol of trust, building trust among internal and external stakeholders, framework for a sustainable organization, affirmation of good work, and value added.

Does it involve any award?


It is connected with Star Award Foundation

Does it involve a rating system?


The review process is designed to assess and determine if the applicant organization meets the required standards. NGO GPP staff conducts an initial review of the submitted application and materials, if they are found to be complete, further review (desk review) will take place involving the NGO GPP Working Group. Upon the recommendation of the Working Group, a field visit and review will be conducted by NGO GPP staff. The desk review and field visit report will be submitted to the NGO Code Compliance Committee for final approval.

Successful organizations will be awarded a Code Compliance Certificate which is valid for up to three years. Other applicant NGOs will receive capacity development through workshops, training, mentoring/coaching and other methods in order to become compliant with all 26 standards in the NGO Code.


We are on a lookout to find good accountability practices in Asia-Pacific. If you feel that your organization provides a good example, use the following form to send us the information! If you have a question, please contact us.